IPL Photofacial was designed to combat the effects of aging and damaged skin in a soft, gentle way. It can be used to treat the full face, neck, chest and even the hands. After only one treatment, the skin will have a more even tone with a smoother look and feel. Improvement in age spots, pore size, acne and redness (from Rosacea) steadily increases with each treatment.
Photo Facial
The IPL system delivers precise amounts of light energy through your skin’s surface which stimulates the production of collagen. As new collagen forms, it softens the appearance of aging skin, fine lines and wrinkles are decreased.

Most patients describe the sensation to be similar to a snap of a rubber band on the skin. After treatment pain is minimal to nonexistent.

IPL Full Face Rejuvenation: $230.00

IPL Partial Face Rejuvenation: $115.00 - $144.00

Hands Rejuvenation: $115.00